Please join Mr Paolo Scaroni, Chairman, AC Milan Soccer Team, and past Chief Executive Officer of Eni and ENEL, for a live chat, with Q&A by our audience.The evening will be opened by Selby Byashimova, President, CAA Italy, with Welcoming Remarks by Scott Rosner, the Academic Director of the Master of Science in Sports Management program in the School of Professional Studies at Columbia University. Rosner is also a Professor of Professional Practice in the School of Professional Studies, and teaches graduate level courses in the Master of Science program in Sports Management. Prof. Dino Ruta, SDA Bocconi School of Management and Columbia University (Affiliated Professor) will moderate the discussion with Mr. Scaroni. The event is a proposal of Alessandro Mosca SPS'18, associate at Ruiz-Huerta & Crespo Sports Lawyers, based between Milan and Valencia.
We hope for a lively interchange covering sports in relation to politics, religion, ethnicity, morality, and the reaction of players and teams, in times of crisis. The CAA public may pose written questions, to be answered intermittantly during the event.
Special thanks to international sports law platform Olympialex.
With the collaboration of Columbia Business School, alumni leaders, Milan and Rome chapters.
Various images courtesy artist Jonathan Monk, Quartz Studio, Turin; Meyer-Riegger, Berlin/Karlsruhe.