In April, our alumni had the chance to hear Mr. Paolo Scaroni, Chairman, Milan Football Team, and past Chief Executive Officer of Eni and ENEL, in a live chat, with Q&A by our audience. The evening was opened by Selby Byashimova, President, CAA Italy, with welcoming remarks by Scott Rosner, Academic Director of the Columbia M.S. in Sports Management. It was moderated by Prof. Dino Ruta, SDA Bocconi School of Management and Columbia University (Affiliated Professor). The event was a proposal of Alessandro Mosca SPS'18, associate at Ruiz-Huerta & Crespo Sports Lawyers, based between Milan and Valencia. The video may be seen HERE on CAA Youtube page. With media and technical assistance by the sports law platform, Olympialex. Special thanks to the alumni leaders of the Columbia Business School, Milan and Rome chapters. An audience of nearly 100 soccer and business cognoscenti from all over the world attended the forum.
CAA Italy also supported the Italian Association of Costume Designers and Scenographers in a fundraiser for the homeless in the time of Covid-19. Original and digital artworks by some of cinema’s most legendary names, including Dante Ferretti, were posted in their catalogue of artworks. Signalled to CAA Italy by Paola Barbaglia.
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